KPI Dashboard

The KPI Dashboards help you stay in control of your business by being able to instantly see your Key Performance Indicators (KPI) wherever you are.
Our KPI Dashboard is a cloud app for displaying your most important metrics on web browsers, TV monitors, and mobile devices.

RentViewer Analytics

RentViewer is designed for CFOs and Investment Directors of companies that want to analyze large volumes of data to find patterns, trends, and unusual transactions. It connects to your property management system as well as Excel files and other data sources so that you can drill down into the data and understand what is working and what is not working.

Excel SQL Server Addin (XLhub)

XLhub has been made for companies that are dealing with the proliferation of Excel files. XLhub provides an Excel front-end to a Microsoft SQL Server database. Data can be edited in Excel and then conveniently pushed to SQL Server. From SQL Server, data can be pulled back into another spreadsheet and further edited and saved again. XLhub promotes data security, audit trails, and collaboration.

Take of spreadsheets ….